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JANUARY 2010 Tour in Germany - Classical Romance
Wetzlar, It’s deep emotional expression Jan 21 Mannheim: Not only a great virtuoso but a talented show man as well Jan 20 Stuttgart: Very emotional! Jan 19 Erfurt: I was totally thrilled by the orchester Jan 16 Cologne: 16000 people!!! Amazing! Jan 15 Weimar: This is the real deal! Jan 10
This is the real deal! So here are the first impressions of the concert. I`m pretty tired, so I`ll do the short version: Let me start with the rehersal. As Birgit mentioned he got on stage and said "I`m sorry how I look today, but I didn`t know, that it is a public rehersal." Yes, for sure we all believe that ;-) Anyway up to a certain point we get used to see him dressed like this, aren`t we? But he was also appearing as if he just had been torn out of bed and told: your rehersal is in 5 min. Maybe that`s why the start of the rehersal was a litte bumpy, but it got better. Some adjustments here and there. But the overall impression unfortunately was a little ropy. Best thing was to watch how well conductor, concertmaster and David get along. They seem to really like eachother and had a lot of fun. Next: Introduction to the pieces before the concert. Short interview with the conductor. He praised David to the skies and mentioned the good coorporation with all the participants. Then the concert: To make it short. Forget the CD!!! This is the real deal! Never heard Zigeunerweisen like tonight (with a little extra, no I`m not telling now) and all the pieces from the cd were so much better. Way more energetic, elegant and moving. Vocalise almost made me cry of it`s sheer beauty. They have an excellent harp-player and they matched so perfectly, pure magic. The orchestral pieces fit perfectly to the rest of the programm and definitely one of my highlights was the Kachaturian Walse that surged back and forth so full of energy. And as a finally: probably the fastest Czardas I`ve heard so far (maybe ever). They, as we say in Germany "Feeded the monkey sugar!" What a tremendous change. No more lethargy like at the rehersal. This was a blast! I`m not revealing the "official" encore, cause it would ruin the surprise for those attending tomorrow, but will later this week. Let me only state, that it was wonderful,too. After that people didn`t let him go (as always) so he came back and - let`s sing it as a choir - Carneval de Venice. Yes it was an almost pure classical concert, but he did introduct the pieces he would play (once he announce the serenade, everybody (including the conductor) looked quizzically and hectic broke out, because it was another pieces turn. they changed note-sheets and it remaind like he had said.Now we know they are flexible (so funny). What I really liked, was that the audience kept a few seconds quiet after the pieces. So nice to let the piece settle, before applauding. Now I`m even more curious what to expect at the concert in Cologne on Friday and at the 21st in Wetzlar. News-status-quo: each of them will be different in setting even thou they all belong to the tour. So thrilling! Just can`t wait to hear. So much to my (short) first impressions. Hope I could transmit a bit of the atmosphere. Will post some more later on. Tomorrow,no, today I`m going back home. So wish me luck for my connections. Take care everyone! EIBEE, source: official forum |
Cologne - January 15 16000 people!!! Amazing! (...) My goodness this is huuuuuuuuge! Hello eccho, o o o o o lol. You feel like being inside a beehive. People streaming around up and down food and beveradges everywhere. And the inside of the arena is absolutely overwhelming when you first step inside. You`ve seen the pictures, it`s simply amazing! As I was sitting all the way up at the balcony-section I had a beautiful overall sight, but the distance to the stage was immense so everyone down there was looking like being shrunk to toy-size. Lucky me I had the video-cube, that is hanging in the middle of the arena right at eyelevel, so I could follow all the closeups they were showing on it easily by just turning my head slightly and still keep one eye on stage to follow the "big" picture there. Not too bad thing. And by the way, what I`ve seen on that cube would make an amazing new DVD with very little editing necessary! I so hope they recorded one of these magnificent concerts and publish it someday so we can refresh the memories over and over. And for sure share a better impression with those who couldn`t attend. The only sad point was, that I could take no pics from that distance. Too far away and too dark for my little camera I had taken with me. (not the mirror reflex, which is too big to hide at security-checks), but as everybody can see, we all get best pics from those who were down there close by. Thank you so much for those beautiful and fun pictures! Now to the concert: The overall impression reminded me a lot of the US-Tour concerts only in a XXXL version of it. The mood was alot like there. After the concert I had the opportunity to have a (very) short chat with Marcus Wolf from the band. I told him that it reminded me of the concert in Alexandria which was so good and he answered:"Yes it is a bit like there, only much much bigger! We could have filled most of those venues with just one of these rows. Amazing!" And you could see that amazement during the concert. Who ever had not to play at the moment was looking all around and just enjoying and absorbing the atmosphere (at least most of them). And it must have been a really awesome view from the stage, having the whole arena stretching out infront of you. Now let me get something very clear, I loved the concert as it was. A true rock-concert with some classical impressions. Something totally different than the concert last sunday in Weimar, but equally magnificent and capturing. But (and this is my very personal opinion) I have to say there have been pieces I liked in Weimar better (critising on a very high level), and pieces I liked better here. And others I liked best like I`ve heard them on the US-Tour. And finally those new ones: it`s the same with them. Some I think are awesome and some aren`t that much my taste, but that`s ok. How terrible would it be for everyone to share exactly the same taste. So boring!!! This leads me to the guess, that I`m a bit spoiled by all the beautiful music I hear on these magnificent concerts. But I don`t care, please keep on spoiling me that way in the future! I could have taken every single piece and comment on them, but I think I`ll leave that very personal view out. You`ve heard enough about my opinions and that`ll have to do. Besides that is my review already long enough, I guess, and I don`t want to bore you to death! So that`s it for now. I`m getting pretty tired, because I had only 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night and it is already 2 am again. Luckyly I may sleep late today! And you can bet on that I will! Take Care everyone! EIBEE, source: official forum *** Am Freitag, den 15. Januar 2010, gab David Garrett im Rahmen seiner Classical Romance Tour in Köln in der ausverkauften Lanxess-Arena ein Konzert vor 14.000 Zuschauern. David zog zu Led Zepplins "Kasmir" durch die Reihen in die Arena ein und wurde mit viel Applause und Gekreische empfangen. Begleitet wurde er von seiner Band (bis auf John Haywood in komplett neuer Besetzung) und der Weimarer Staatskapelle unter der Leitung von Franck van der Heijden. Das Programm bestand aus einem bunten Gemisch aus klassischen Stücken (teils etwas rockiger inszeniert) und verschiedenen Rocksongs und Filmthemes. Über die Hälfte der Songs waren neue Songs, die sich zum Teil sicher auch auf einem neuen Crossover Album wiederfinden werden. Im Hintergrund befand sich eine große Videoleinwand, auf der Live-Bilder von David, den anderen Musikern und auch verschiedene Videobilder abgespielt wurden. Pyrotechnik und Feuerflammen trugen zur stimmungsvollen Untermalung einiger Rocksongs und -balladen bei. Nach fast drei Stunden Konzerterlebnis verließen die Zuschauer das Arena mit dem Gefühl, einen sehr schönen Abend gehabt zu haben und ganz sicher hat David wieder eine ganze Menge neuer Fans und auch Damenherzen dazugewonnen. Nina *** It began that there was a traffic-jam on my way to Cologne and I reached the Lanxess Arena not before 19:15. Unfortunately there was another traffic-jam around the hall. The police was helpless. We were sent from one parking-place to another, they were all full. At 19:50 I realized I would not make it to the concert. The last possibility was to park at a exhibition parking place, which was done by about 1000 visitors....more than 2 km away from the hall. I was happy to have decided to wear sneakers instead of my fashionable concert-shoes. So I started jogging to the hall, which I reached at 20:15....at 20:20 I felt on my seat, totally exhausted. Thank god, the late arriving visitors were let in. The concert has begun 10 minutes later, because of the parking situation, so that I arrived in the middle of the 2nd piece (Brahms Hungarian dance). I tried to relax and to get rid of the feeling of breathlessness....."unfortunately" not long...David played "he's a pirate" and then "Live and let die"....suddenly fire fontains were shot out of little cannons in the time of the music. They were placed left and right of the stage and in front at the edge. A heatwave came to our direction. The concert went on like this. David was moderating his pieces in a charming way and told witty anecdotes out of his life. Again and again I turned back to watch the spirit of the complete sold out Lanxess-Areno with 16.000 people. I couldn't believe that the hall was filled up to the top. In the middle there was a big video-cube, so that even the people in the very far and up were able to watch what was going on on the stage. Slow pieces changed with fast pieces. The big screen behind the stage showed the musicians in a close-up or touching pictures/designs, which match to the songs. David's musicians and the orchestra were unique. Guitar Marcus Wolf is amazing and let his guitar rock in several solos. I cannot say which pieces was my favourite one. But there was not one I didn't like. I am absolutely overwhelmed by this concert. To be honest I have to say, I expected something else. Classic Romance....ok...in general classics, accompanied of the band....hahahahahaha...I was soooo wrong, here, I attended a 3 hour rock-concert!!! And it was brilliant. I watched the older people in the audience. Did they like it, wasn't it too loud, to rocking? No it was not, everybody joined in. Finally David was surprised with 2 Platinum CDs for Encore and Virtuoso and Gold for his DVD. Es fing damit an, dass ich auf dem Weg nach Köln im Stau stand und "erst" um 19:15 die Lanxess Arena erreichte. Leider war ein Stau rund um die Halle. Die Polizei war machtlos. Wir wurden von einem Lanxess-Parkhaus zum nächsten geschickt, alle besetzt. Um 19:50 war mir klar, dass ich es nicht zum Konzert schaffen würde. Die letzte Möglichkeit war auf einem Messeparkplatz zu parken an den die restlichen 1000 Besucher verwiesen wurden......mehr als 2 km von der Halle weg. Ich war froh, mich für Sneakers entschieden zu haben und nicht für meine eleganten Konzertschuhe!! So begab ich mich im Dauerlauf zur Halle, die ich um 20:15 erreichte.....um 20:20 fiel ich völlig erschöpft auf meinem Platz. Gott sei Dank wurden die zu spät kommenden Besucher noch eingelassen. Das Konzert begann aufgrund der Parkplatzsituation später, sodass ich in der Mitte des 2. Stückes (Brahms Ungarischer Tanz) ankam. Ich versuchte mich zu entspannen und das Gefühl der Atemlosigkeit loszuwerden......."Leider" nicht lange....David spielte "He's a pirate" und dann "Live and let die"....plötzlich schossen im Takt Feuerfontänen aus kleinen Kanonen, die neben und am Rand der Bühne plaziert waren. Eine Hitzwelle schoss uns entgegen. So ging es das ganze Konzert weiter. David moderierte die Stücke charmant und mit kleinen Anekdoten an. Immer wieder drehte ich mich um, um die überwältigen Stimmung in der mit 16.000 Zuschauern komplett ausverkauften Lanxess-Arena zu betrachten. Ich konnte es nicht fassen, dass sie bis unter das Dach mit Zuschauern gefüllt war. In der Mitte der Halle hing ein großer Videowürfel von der Decke, sodass auch die Zuschauer in den oberen, hinteren Rängen etwas sehen konnten. Langsame wechselten sich mit schnellen Stücken ab. Die Leinwand hinter der Bühne zeigte die Musiker in Großaufnahme bzw. ansprechende Bilder, die zur Musik passten. David's Musiker und auch das Orchester waren einmalig. Gitarrist Marcus Wolf ist großartig und brachte mit einigen Solos seine Gitarre zum Klingen. Ich kann nicht sagen, welches Stück mir am Besten gefallen hat. Es gab auf jeden Fall keins, welches mir nicht gefallen hat. Ich bin von diesem Konzert absolut überwältigt gewesen. Fairerweise muss ich aber sagen, dass ich es mir anders vorgestellt habe. Classic Romance....ok, hauptsächlich Klassik, von der Band begleitet...hahahahaha....Ich lag soooooo daneben, hier war ich auf einem 3 stündigen Rock-Konzert!!!! Und es war genial. Ich schaute mir die älteren Damen und Herren im Publikum an. Hat es ihnen gefallen, war es nicht zu laut, zu rockig?? Nein, war es nicht, alle machten mit. Zum Schluss bekam David für alle überraschend noch seine beiden Platin-CDs für Encore und Virtuoso und Gold für die DVD überreicht. Birgit, official forum |
During this concert David has got Platinum discs for his albums Virtuoso and Encore and Gold for his DVD "Live in concert and in Private" |
Erfurt January 16, 2010 I was totally thrilled by the orchester As I have attended the Cologne concert the day before and was really spoiled by the Lanxess Arena, I first was a bit disappointed. Erfurt, Exhibition Hall, a typically exhibition hall, all flat, just stands left and right and in the very back.....and soooo small.....of course that's nuts, this hall was for 4000 (or 5000) people. The hall was vey low and I was looking for the fire-cannons. There were none, no wonder!! This time I was able to listen to the first piece, David entered the concert hall with Cashmir and walked to the stage while playing violin. Instead of the fire-cannons they worked a lot with the headlamps, so that I didn't miss anything. In the beginning the audience was very low (or did I just thought), but later got in a better mood. I was totally thrilled by the orchester. I have never seen the Staatskapelle Weimar in this rocking style. They were in an amazing mood and played with enthusiasm. I felt as they wanted to show....today is our last rock-concert, and the day after tomorrow we have to behave again!! The 2 men at the double-bass stepped on the gas and even the older musicians in the orchestra seem to remember their wild days and rocked!! When David was announcing the piece "Rocking all over the world" they took wolly hats out of their pockets, put them on and played in the style of David and Marcus!! It took a while until David and his band realized and then laughed out loud!! The orchestra playes with their wollies until the end. Also the audience was beyond control, David could have given 10 encores, but the concert alreday lasted for 3 hours and he finished after 3 encores. Da ich einen Tag vor Erfurt das Konzert in der Lanxess Arena in Köln besucht habe und von dieser Halle sehr verwöhnt war, war ich erst etwas enttäuscht. Erfurt, Messehalle, eine typische Messehalle, alles flach, nur links und rechts Tribünen...und hinten...und soooo klein...aber das war natürlich Quatsch, selbst in diese Halle passten ca. 4000 (oder 5000) Leute. Die Halle war sehr flach und ich hielt Ausschau nach den Feuerkanonen, es gab keine, kein Wunder!! Diesmal bekam ich sogar das erste Stück mit, David betrat die Konzerthalle mit Cashmir und lief Geige spielend zu Bühne. Anstatt der Feuerkanonen wurden aber die Scheinwerfer sehr gut eingesetzt, sodass man eigentlich nichts vermisste. Das Publikum war erst ziemlich leise (oder kam es mir nur so vor ?), aber taute später auf. Ich war vom Orchester restlos begeistert. Ich habe die Staatskapelle Weimar noch nie so rocken sehen. Noch nie habe ich so gute Stimmung gesehen und so ein begeistertes Spiel. Es kam mir vor als wollten sie zeigen...heute ist unser letztes Rock-Konzert, aber übermorgen müssen wir uns wieder benehmen!! Die beiden Kontrabassisten haben so Gas gegeben und selbst die wenigen älteren Orchestermusiker schienen sich an ihre wilden Zeiten erinnern zu können und spielten was das Zeug hielt. Bei "Rocking all over the world" zogen die Musiker plötzlich Wollmützen hervor, zogen diese auf und spielten ganz im Stil von David und Marcus!! Es dauerte eine Weile bis David und seine Band dies realisierten und dann aus vollem Hals lachten!!!!! Das Orchester spielte bis zum Schluss mit Mütze. Auch das Publikum war nicht mehr zu halten, David hätte 10 Zugaben geben können, aber das Konzert dauerte wieder 3 Stunden und nach 3 Zugaben war Schluss. Birgit, official forum |
Stuttgart - January 19 It was a very emotional concert, David introduced his classical pieces in a charming way. I totally loved the Mendelssohn Concerto, it was my favourite this evening. It was nice to see the orchestra so different from the Crossover-Concert.(...)The stage was decorated with candles! Birgit, official forum |
Mannheim - January 20 Not only a great virtuoso but a talented show man as well David played a core classical concert with the Mendelssohn concerto in the 2nd Part. I am absolutely overwhelmed, he has played brilliant, the Mendelsssohn concerto was incredible. The audience really made it to clap between the 1st and the 2nd movement. I am still asking myself how the fagott managed to hold the note until the audience stopped clapping and the second movement was due to begin.....Where did this man get the air from?? David spielte ein klassisches Konzert mit dem Mendelssohn Konzert im 2. Teil. Ich bin absolut überwältigt, er hat brilliant gespielt, das Mendelssohn Konzert war unglaublich. Die Zuhörer haben es tatsächlich geschafft, zwischen dem 1. und 2. Satz zu klatschen. Noch jetzt frage ich mich, wie das Fagott so lange den Ton halten konnte bis zu Zuhörer endlich zu Ende geklatscht hatten und der 2. Satz beginnen konnte. Woher nahm dieser Mann die Luft????? Birgit, official forum It was the best Mendelssohn Concerto I have ever listened to. It was warm, full of relief and emotion. He looked so happy! He is so comfortable on stage! Once again, he proved he was not only a great virtuoso but a talented show man as well. In the first part, he joked with the audience, warming them so easily. There were a lot of young people, even children. They looked enthusiastic. I am not be used to see so many young people on any classical concert. I think it is really the good way to bring young people to classical music. He is changing the classical concert. The form is changed but the virtuosity is still there. Eva |
Wetzlar, January 21 It’s deep emotional expression This was the first concert, I hadn’t to travel far for. (Only 18 km/~11 miles) so no traveling issues for me this time for a change. Lol I got there pretty early, so that I could meet with my god-aunt and a friend of her before the concert and have a drink. Then we went to the neighboring arena. Even though it is that close to my hometown I hadn’t been there before, so I was a little surprised by the size. Close to 4000 people capacity isn’t as big as Lanxess Arena in Cologn, but quite impressive. Unfortunately they had opened only two entrances so it took a while to get inside.(brrrr had left my jacket in her car cold!) I had a pretty good seat to the right side of the stage at the lower part of the grandstand. ... The atmosphere of the arena isn’t made for a classical concert, but they tried the best to create a nice setting. Because of the layout of the venue they had to use amplifiers to cover the room. And this time the sound balance was not that good as it had been in Cologn. And so David`s usually so warm and full sounding Guaneri sounded a bit scratchy and flat. (People who had no comparison didn’t recognize that, but *sigh* I guess I’m spoiled from the wonderful experience in Weimar, where I got to hear her full potential). Besides that (little)minus the concert was really wonderful. From the first part I liked most (like so often recently) the “Vocalise” because of it’s deep emotional expression and “Zigeunerweisen” because of the sheer joy, overboarding energy and the little extra cadenzas. During intermission I met Birgit and we had a little chat while standing in line for the restrooms (believe it or not, they only have one place with like a dozend booths). And that was pretty much all we were able to do, cause as soon as we came back to the hall intermission was over. The second part started with the overture from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” . Fitting to the following Violin Concerto. And they played it absolutely phantastic. Then the Mendelssohn Concerto. I really like it on the CD, but it was (even with suboptimal sound) absolutely amazing and captivating. I had to hold my breath at the end of the first movement wether or not people might clap, but luckily they did not. Between the second and third movement there was no way of stopping them to do so, because they were so excited about what they had just heard. David used the short break to quickly retune and said, “wait, there’s one more!” And there really was an exceptional one more! And after this last movement everybody was so deeply moved they kept a couple seconds quiet, which I really loved. Then big applause erupted and remained for several minutes until they settled and David announced the first encore “Meditation from Thais” Played so soulful and heartrending another silence remained afterwards. As a finish it was “Carneval de Venice” again, but this time with a little different introduction to the piece. And there it happend: while spreading the accompaniments like usual the stumbled over one of the cords from the microphones . - oh no - but managed to free himself without falling down! (Puh what a relieve!) Hadn’t needed this moment of shock. Anyway, as always he left stage while playing the last bars and that was it.(...) Now I`ve arrived in Munich and am looking forward to hear the concert again tomorrow. And this time without micros and amplifiers. And what I’ve read from yesterday, it will be a blast. That’s it for this time. Hope you like it. EIBEE, source: official forum
I took the photos during the Meditation from Thais. A very emotional (sad) piece!! David played with closed eyes most of the time. He is for sure tired (the tour is already lasting long), but he didn't look as he would soon have a break-down or is totally tired-out. It is just because of the piece he is playing at that moment. Birgit,official forum |