- CONTACT - Thanks for visiting! This website has been made with enthusiasm but is not professional. A lot of thanks to David and DEAG for supporting me in this work. Thank you everybody from the whole world for your friendly help. Please, keep in touch, correcting the mistakes... helping in the translation... giving new informations and telling your impressions about the David’s Concerts or CD’s. Send me your David’s pictures. I will be happy to add them in the gallery. Every suggestion for the website’s improvement and update will be welcome. |
Here are the addresses where you can write to David for getting an autograph. Please, attach a stamped self-addressed envelope ! Gerne erfüllen wir Eure Autogrammwünsche, bitte einen ausreichend frankierten und an dich adressierten Rückumschlag beilegen! |
GERMANY Fanpost David Garrett Thuenefeldstrasse 5 D-82299 Tuerkenfeld Germany |